Sunday, 3 July 2011

The Secret in Their Marketing

Having watched the highly acclaimed Argentinian crime drama The Secret in Their Eyes the other night, I am still reeling from what a fantastic film it is: well paced plot, heart-wrenching themes, awesome twists. It pretty much has everything. Then I turned to the DVD cover and realised why it had taken me so long to watch the damn film. THE DVD COVER IS F*CKING TERRIBLE.

Misleading DVD covers have been a bit of a bugbear of mine ever since discovering the awful design for Noah Baumbach's Greenberg. And it appears The Secret in Their Eyes is the latest victim of this most heinous of film crimes. Lets have a looksee.

1. Why does it look like a Bond film? This is a film about loss and dealing with the past. So is the exploding 'Golden Eye' really necessary?

2. Why is Esposito holding an (obviously photoshopped) gun? Yes, there are a couple of guns that are used very sparingly this movie. But NEVER does this particular character even come close to holding a gun. Why!?

3. It's not a Thriller. Even though The Daily Express quote would have you believe this is some sort of fast paced Bourne type techno-thriller, it is actually a fairly slow and thoughtful crime drama.

4. Seeing Stars. "It is foreign, but look at all these stars! It must be good!" - idiot shopper

5. Free Digital Copy. So f*cking what?


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